Thursday, February 12, 2009


Welcome to the first posting of Eat Sleep Redskins (or ESR, for short). This will be updated fairly frequently (hopefully at least once a day).

By way of introduction, my name is Sean. I live in Newport News, Va. In this blog, I'm going to attempt to give my honest take on the Redskins. Who they are, what they do. What they don't do. And scream like hell when they don't do something.

Maybe I can also provide some thoughts on the rest of the NFL, and a little about society (TV, movies) and other frivolous stuff.

In the coming days, I will be trying to talk a little about my thoughts on last season (oh, the disappointment), what the Redskins should do in the draft (THE LINES! ...?), the offense, the defense and more.

I'm not sure that anyone will care about my thoughts, but hopefully I can provide a fun, thoughtful look at the team.